Monday, June 15, 2009

Excited but Terrified

Well, I've felt a feeling of change recently where church is concerned. So, I wasn't surprised when I was called into the Bishop's office & asked if I would accept a new calling. My current calling has been a teacher in the Relief Society, I've had that for about 5 years???? I've loved my calling. I remember the first day I stood up there shook like a leaf, and lord knows that I've shed more than one tear standing up there in front of the class. I am so sad that I'm being released. I'm also sad that I'll no longer be sitting in Gospel Doctrine class with Scott. I've really enjoyed just having him next to me. It seemed that for so long I was by myself in there, and now that he's joined the church I feel whole. I understand that so many people are separated while spouses are doing callings and serving one another, but now I'm part of that group, and change is so hard for me. I'm sure that the day will come when I'm released from my new calling and will be saddened over that too.
So, my new calling.... is in.... Primary... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH... is it crazy that I'm petrified? I'll be teaching the Sunbeams? I think? its the first class out of nursery. I didn't go through primary, obviously, so I have no clue what the songs are, what sharing time is, etc. etc... I'll be Ty's teacher next year, so that'll be interesting. Wish me luck!


Christi_LeAnn said...

You'll do awesome. I'd be honored to have you teach my Sunbeam!

Scott and Amy said...

good luck adja!!! Primary is so much fun!! i was the first counsler and it was so much fun scary and a little tricky at first but then i just loved it. You will be such a great and fun teacher!!! good luck!!

OlmsteadFamilie said...

Adja, I will be there and don't worry we will LOVE having you in primary!!!!!!!!!
My first calling in primary was in the sunbeams too! Now I have been in primary for 4 years :) Glad I found your blog.