Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween/ Fall Fun

Halloween... well that was interesting. It almost didn't happen in our home. To start things off, Ty at the last possible minute decided that he was going to be a cowboy. I thought that he was going to be a fireman again & just wear last years costume. I know that probably sounds like some sort of child abuse to many folks, however after just having surgery & really not being able to do a whole heck of alot yet; I thought that recycling last years costume was a terrific idea. But I suppose Ty, like all 3 year olds had other ideas. So I do what any good mother would do and say "Uhhhhh... Okay.... Mommy will make you be a cowboy" when inside I was thinking " am I going to pull this one off." My next thought is Oh wait this might not be too bad, he has jeans, cowboys wear jeans, he has a chamois shirt, that will work... cowboy boots... nope. well... no one would notice right? I then think a cowboy needs Chaps, I don't happen to have a ton of extra leather laying around so I go to the next best thing. My closet. I knew that I had a brown cordoroy shirt, that just might work. I get the shirt, get the sciorrs, & get to work. I also found a brownish hand-me-down T-shirt that Ty hadn't worn yet, so that got the scicorrs too (because every cowboy needs a vest). I lined the chaps with some denim fabric I had and went to work. The next call was to my cousins, they have 3 boys & I knew that'd be able to help. The offered a bandana, holster, a "six shooter" and a long gun. We added a cowboy hat that Scott had a ta-da... we had oursleves a genuine, authentic looking cowboy. I think all and all it turned out way better than I had orginally thought it would & I had a happy boy on my hands. I have a feeling that Ty will be getting lot of use out of this outfit.

Here is a fall photo too. My family came up for a visit & were nice enough to take Ty out to play in the leaves. I managed to get out there and capture a few moments.
This one of Ty is my favorite.

1 comment:

Nanette said...

That's awesome, Adja! I would have just told him no, or he'd have to just be ok without chaps and a vest. :o)