Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Miracle

So, this is my first blog. I'm not quite sure just where to begin...
I'm pretty new at all of this, but in a way I think I'm going to treat it as a journal & of course a great way to keep in touch with all of my dear friends.
Well where to start...
I'm 28, been married 6 years to my best friend Scott...

we have been blessed with our beautiful son Ty. Doctors said that they were'nt sure we/I would ever concieve a child. However my Heavenly Father decided otherwise. Nearly 3 years ago after several attempts with a procedure called IVF we became parents. Ty has been exactly what I hoped for, he is tender, sensitive yet busy and fun loving. My greatest calling has been to be his mother. I love him more and more each day as he makes each new day so much fun. Its always an adventure but isn't it supposed to be? Here is a photo that a dear friends, Ed Carolla, took when Ty was 9mo old. These are a couple of my favorites.

We took these in our front yard... The tub that he is in was my Great Aunts when she was a baby. A friend of mine said Johnson & Johnson would love it. =o)


Anonymous said...

He is indeed a BLESSING...along with Sis Sabrina :) Love you guys! See ya soon.... =)

The Atkinsons said...

I'm so glad that you have a blog! Ty is so adorable and it's true that Heavenly Father sends us exactly what we need. I thank Him everyday for my miracles.