Friday, January 30, 2009

The times they are a changin'

Well, I haven't written in a while & like the heading states there have been a few changes lately.

First off , Ty Turned 3. It is so hard to believe, the time has more or less gone in the blink of an eye. We had a party for him & of course he loved it. We have so many great people in our lives that dropped what they were doing & decided to be here to celebrate with us. I made Ty's PB & Jelly cake (though,didn't look like it one it certainly did tasted like one) Here's a few pictures.
I just love this one... My friend Ginny was running the camera & she took it at the perfect mometnt. I was off to the side getting choked up. What can I say... I'm a sap. =o)

Here's one of the whole family...
Paisley, Myself, Scott, Ty, & Sabrina

I just had to post this one because I thought it was so precious... I love these kindof moments. I can't believe how tall Ty is though, its funny how he's just hanging there. =o)

On another note, I'm no longer a college student... at least until fall. Scott's job is a bit uncertain right now & he may have to work out of town for awhile, so with he schedule up in the air for now, I need to be more flexible with my time. So, for now, college is on hold again. I'm excited that I'll be able to finish book 9 of a series that I'm reading (The work & the glorgy- its a great series) I'll also have time for my Knitting projects & most importantly I'll have extra time to spend with Ty.

Oh, and this is completely off topic too...but so far this year we've had 252inches of snow, once again my kitchen window is nearly covered up & I can't see who's pulling in the driveway. =o) I'll have to take some photos & post them soon.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Poem I wrote for my family for Christmas

Our Family gathered at mom’s house this year
All of us full of holiday cheer
This year had been a full one
Many changes had gone round
Yet through the good & bad times
The most precious gift was found

It wasn’t a gift with a bow wrapped sweet
It wasn’t something to you’d trip over with your feet
We each had someone to snuggle with at night
To hold us and make our world feel bright
We all were together, healthy, & glad
So truly the best gifts were already had

We didn’t exchange stuff we really didn’t need
Instead we had dinner, played games & laughed indeed
We learned that Christmas is a feeling
Showing genuine love,
And giving your family a great big hug

So this year & those to come please know
As your running & romping & playing in snow
It isn’t about presents and eating good treats
It’s about kindness & showing appreciation for those you meet
It’s about a Christ child & your family, to me that what’s neat

Our Lord gave us the best gift of all
He sent down his son-who was born in a stall
Remember the Babe born that December night
who filled up the world with his love so bright

There are many gifts that don’t cost a dime
Sometimes it’s only the giving of your time
It’s just not the kind that you buy at a store
For me Christmas is so much more.

Its hugging your children ever so tight
And tickling their toes as they giggle with delight
Its saying “I’m here for you” to those who need a lift
It doesn’t have to be a very lavish gift
Its remembering the blessings that you received through the year
Its being appreciative for the family you hold dear.

We all have our quirks, our own way of doing things,
Yet remember family of course, is the most precious of things.
Remember to say I love you, even if you don’t see the need,
This family is ours, ours yes indeed.

Its been awhile

Well, I spoke to my mom today and she mentioned that she'd checked my Blog & that I hadn't written lately. I forget that this isn't just my personal journal & that there actually is someone out there reading this occassionally. So, the holiday's were great. We had a great time with Ty & spending time with all of our family. We certainly do have alot of family, & I only wish that we could see them all much more often. Scott mentioned that this was our best Christmas that we've had together. I think part of it was that we're trying to get back to the basics & that Ty is so much fun. He really enjoyed opening up all of his gifts. Something else that was totally to cute for me was explaining to Ty the true meaning of Christmas. I had said that Christmas was when we celebrate Jesus's birthday. Let just say that Ty is very literal & doesn't forget anything. He thought that we should have cake & the whole nine yards. =o) I think that maybe next year we will make a birthday cake. The super cute part is that when we were getting ready to go to church Ty told me that Jesus would be there for his birthday party. I tried to explain it all but it's pretty much impossible to reason with a nearly 3 year old.

It was also nice to see so much of Scott during the holiday's it may sound crazy but he works so much that we don't get to spend as much time with him as we'd like. This year Scott was off between Christmas eve & New Years. Needless to say he was stir crazy. I had to work several of the days, so that left he & Ty to spend the day's together. I came home one afternoon to find my house spotless, vacumed, dinner started, he was doing dishes & (yes there is more) he had finished putting the second coat of paint on our living room wall & put everything back in its place. I was astruck. I could certainly get used to that.... who couldn't. =o)

On another note I've finally signed up for my classes at my new college. I went to orientation but felt completely out of place. There was a gentleman who was 65 entering the same education program as I was, so that made me feel like maybe I wasn't too old & too busy to be making changes.